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Dieng plateau

Dieng plateau profinsi located in Central Java, Indonesia. This is a natural mountain tourism, this region is located in the mountain area special, Dieng volcano is an active volcano, and the Dieng plateau lies at an altitude of about 2,000 m. above sea level.

Several cultural and natural heritage has been used as a tourist attraction and is managed jointly by the two districts, namely Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. Here are some attractions in Dieng.

1. Lake: Lake Color, a lake that often creating shades of red, green, blue, white, and violet, Pengilon Lake,     Lake Merdada.
2. Crater: Sikidang, Sileri, Sinila (explode and release toxic gas in 1979 with 149 victims of the soul), Crater Candradimuka.
3. Complex of Hindu temples built in the 7th century, among others: Temple Gatotkaca, Candi Bima, Arjuna temple, Candi Semar, Sembadra Temple, Temple Heroine, Temple Setyaki, Gangsiran Aswatama, and Temple Dwarawati.
4. Caves: Cave Semar, Jaran Cave, Cave Wells. Located between Lake and Lake Pengilon color, often used as a place of spiritual though.
5. Jalatunda wells. It is said that every male who can throw a rock from end to end, keinginanya will be fulfilled. If she is throwing stones until half-wells.
6. Dieng Volcanic Theater, theater to see movies about kegunungapian in Dieng.
7. Dieng Kailasa museum, store artifacts and provide information about the nature (geology, flora and fauna), the people Dieng (daily life, agriculture, beliefs, arts) and the archaeological heritage of Dieng. Having a theater to see the movie (currently about archaeological Dieng), an open stage on the roof of the museum, and restaurants.
8. Serayu River springs, often referred to as the Milky Lukar Tuk (Tuk = spring).


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